Certificate in Gerontech and Services (Senior Secondary Applied Learning)

Applied Learning ApL_Gerontech and Services
This course is based on elderly services to the silver-haired group over 60-year old to introduce students a basic knowledge of gerontechnology including concepts, products and services, systems and technology, so that students can understand the importance of gerontechnology to daily life and services for the elderly from people-oriented and technology perspectives and to improve the quality of elderly services.

The course also enhances students’ interest and career-related competencies in related fields through visits such as regional residential care homes / research & development centers and experience and application in Gerontechnology. It also develops students’ proper values and attitudes, preparing them for further studies and work in future.
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Programme Video
Programme Video

Programme Contents

Field visits will be organised to understand the latest development and application of gerontechnology. Through workshops, case study, experiential learning and product design etc. to enhance students’ understanding of different gerontechnology products and services in the gerontechnology market.

If students attained “Attained with Distinction (I)” in this ApL course^, it is comparable to Level 3 of the Category A subjects of HKDSE examination; if they attained “Attained with Distinction (II)”, it is comparable to Level 4 of the Category A subjects of HKDSE examination.

Programme Features

  • Visit 'Gerontech and Innovation Expo' jointly organized by the government and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, understand the latest developments of gerontech products and solutions
  • Visit 'Jockey Club “age at home” Gerontech Education and Rental Service Centre', learn more about the practical information and have hands-on experience on gerontech equipment
  • Visit Residential Care Homes to observe the practical use of the technological products among the elderly
  • Visit the gerontechnology industry clusters, i.e., service enterprise, medical centre, research and development centre
  • Strengthens the thinking skills, people skills, values and attitudes, and career-related competencies of the students to prepare for further studies and career development

Programme Structure

  • The Concepts of Elderly Services and Gerontech (40 hours)
  • Gerontech Market (Products and Services) (56 hours)
  • Gerontech (Medical Aspect) (44 hours)
  • Final Project – Experience and Practices in Gerontech (40 hours)

Reference Table for Grades

Certification Programme

Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority - Applied Learning Subjects Result Assessment and Information

Graduation Path

Articulation Path

After the completion of Secondary 6, students can either apply for HKCT 'Higher Diploma in Social Work' or 'Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Social Work'

Career Prospects

Welfare worker, care worker, programme assistant, community health worker, nursing assistant,  care equipment counsellor, occupational therapy assistant, product design assistant, e.t.c.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Commencement of Study

Every October


180 hours


HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus (Yiu on Estate, Ma on Shan, Sha Tin, New Territories)


Saturday 09:00-13:00 / 14:00-18:00 (Lessons will also be scheduled during summer day and will be arranged as full day lesson.)


Lessons will mainly be held at students' own schools. Details will be confirmed between HKCT and their schools.

QF Level

The qualification of this programme is recognised under the Qualifications Framework in Hong Kong.
QF level: 3
QR Registration No.: 23/000614/L3
Registration Validity Period: 01/09/2023 to 31/08/2028

^ According to the Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 40/2017, applicants of Associate Degree and Higher Diploma programmes are allowed to use up to two Applied Learning (ApL) subjects in the application for entrance requirements, i.e. "Attained" and "Attained with Distinction", will continue to be used.