Student Services

Learning & Teaching > Student Services

The Department of Student Development (DSD) is devoted to giving play to students' talents by providing them with a range of activities and services and creating cheerful and fruitful school life. To nurture students, we are equipped with the Student Centre and provide four core services to facilitate  holistic education. HKCT has cultivated numerous outstanding talents who shall contribute to their society and country after graduation.

Student Centre

Student Centre provides students a comfortable and cozy space to rest, study and network. The Centre offers services such as borrowing of conference rooms, lockers, bicycle parking and badminton courts. Leisure facilities such as board games, guitar and table football can be found in the centre for students to enjoy school life.

For enquiries about the services of student centre, please contact us via the following channels:


Online Student Centre Meeting ID:823-615-5504 (ZOOM), Click here to link in ZOOM

Mental Health and Personal Development


CEO Leadership Development Programme

Through a series of leadership training, the scheme aims to nurture students' global view and develop their planning skills and sense of responsibility as a leader. Workshops include activities to establish leadership style, problem solving skills with a positive mind, communication and presentation skills, etc.

Student Associations

In participating in student associations of various natures, students shall acquire development, activity planning and soft skills that take their leadership knowledge into practice and broaden their exposure. These associations include departmental associations, interest group societies and other student bodies.

Three Types of Student Associations

  1.  Departmental associations - formed by students studying in the same programme and aimed to arrange for them relevant professional activities, in which participants can put their learned knowledge and skills into practice.
  2. Interest Group Societies - gathering students in various disciplines but with same interests to organise extra-curricular activities, enrich school life and maintain a positive learning environment.
  3. Other student bodies - With our Student Development Officers as leaders, student bodies such as Life Planning Ambassadors and Social Service Societies strengthen students' organisational know-how and team work. The bodies also assist the DSD to organise relevant activities.

Mental Health Counselling Services

Composed of professional counsellors and social workers, we develop a caring campus environment for students by providing mental health counselling services and activities, in order to help them adapt to the undergraduate campus life and improve the skills of self-understanding and tackling emotional stress.


A snoozy place for students to recharge with a nap. It is as well a hub to sooth their emotion and relieve stress in building good mental health.

Energetic Campus

We bring vitality and positive energy into the campus by promoting interesting and new all-round development activities. Students can explore their potentials, develop their skills and creative during the activities, and learn many different media and forms of recreation and sports activities.

Social Service Society

Offers assistance to those in need in school and society by way of volunteer work. Through planning community service, students develop empathy and the concept of "helping others to help themselves." They can as well fully demonstrate their expertise and develop a positive outlook on life.

Career Development


Career Zone

A collection point of study and career information, Career Zone also arranges a series of self-exploration, working skill and guest talks and workshops. All these are for students to be smart until they find their dreams!

Career Ambassadors

Enriched with life planning knowledge, our Career Ambassadors are HKCT students who lead related activities in the College and in secondary schools such as self-exploration and career experience schemes. They are here to explore discover the future and search for goals with the students and help them actualise their life planning.

Join us as "HKCT Career Ambassadors" to enrich your campus life! Register Now!

Career Orientation Assessment

Every student will complete their personal career aptitude assessment at the beginning of the semester. Social workers and counsellors will access the result by personal or group interview to let students understand their attributes, interest and career aptitude etc. Students can set their development plan during the semesters then.

CV Clinic

A good resume brings you interview opportunities. It lets you express your abilities and passion in front of your potential employer. CV Clinic provides professional resume edit service. Students can email their resumes to, and the Career Team will reply within 5 working days.

Career Counselling

Through personal or group interviews and using a range of life planning tools, counsellors guide students to analyse their personal strengths, work values and interest in order to solve issues in study and employment. They also assist in making plans for career development.

To make an appointment:

  • Make reservation at Career Zone in person, by sending email to or WhatsApp.
  • Contact a social worker/counsellor of the Career Councilling team at (852) 2398 9619.

Working Talks and Workshops

Career Zone provides workshops to improve working skills and guest talks regularly, such as the sharing session of working holiday from the Talk of Dream Series Talk and the workshop of self-introduction book from Being Smart Workshop.

Broaden students’ horizons, equip themselves, improving their competitiveness by inviting different guests to share their life experience and tutors to teach job hunting skills. Students can therefore better prepared for their future study and career.

Overseas Internship

Students are offered overseas internship programmes every year in order to provides students with internship opportunity outside Hong Kong, such as Taiwan Summer Career and Living Experience Programme, so that they can understand the work culture and industry situation in different regions. As such students enrich their career experience and become more forward-looking in their career planning.

Greater Bay Area Internship Programme 2021

We are going to run the Greater Bay Area Internship Programme 2021 in 2021 in order to let the participants learn the working culture and industry status of the Greater Bay Area, gain fruitful career experience, and have a more forward-looking personal career development planning to raise self-competitiveness.

Please contact the staff of Department of Student Development at 2398 9619 for any enquiries about the internship programme.

Others Career Development Services

Please send email to the following email address or call the contact number below to reach the Career Team for any enquiries related to further study, employment questions or any other career issues.


Cross-border Exchanges

Exchange Highlights

To broaden students' horizons and world view, DSD organises a number of exchange programmes to Mainland China, Southeast Asia, Europe and Central Asia. Participating students visit enterprises, conduct volunteer teaching activities, have exchanges with local students and the Chinese embassies. Those enrich students' life experience, give them an understanding of cultures economies and employment markets of different countries, and help them overcome language barrier.

Our students have set foot on numerous places including:

  • China
    Beijing, Yunnan, Shanghai, Sichuan, Shenyang, Qinghai, Chongqing, Qingyuan, Guangxi, The Great Bay Area
  • Southeast Asia
    Chiangmai Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore
  • Japan and Korea
    Tokyo, Osaka, Hiroshima, Seoul
  • Central, Western and Northeastern Asia
    Khasakstan, Russia, Kyrgyz Republic
  • Central and Eastern Europe
    Poland, Hungary
Central and Eastern Europe: Poland
Central and Eastern Europe: Russia
Central and Eastern Europe: Hungary
Central, Western and Northeastern Asia: Khasakstan
Central, Western and Northeastern Asia: Kyrgyz Republic
Korea: Seoul
Southeast Asia:Singapore
Southeast Asia: Chiangmai Thailand
China: Beijing
China: Yunnan
China: Qingyuan
China: Guangxi

Europe - Poland Exchange Scheme 2019-20

24 students of HKCT have been to Poland at the beginning of 2020. They studied the local history, culture and country development deeply, exchanged with local university students and gained a lot.

Click here for the content shared by the students.

Other Exchange Highlights

Career.Culture.Creativity - Singapore Exchange Tour
 Northern Thailand Mountain Area - Chiang Mai Voluntary Services Scheme
Explore Central Asia Series - Kazakhstan Exchange Programme
Hungary and Kyrgyzstan exchange programme
Yunnan Voluntary Services and Ethnic Experience Exchange Scheme 2019-20