About Us

About HKCT > About Us

Vision & Mission


To be prestigious and passionate higher education institution rooted in Hong Kong, upholding noble principles and breaking new ground, dedicated to nurturing virtuous and professional talents in serving our country and fostering advancement of the community while embracing the world.



Graduate Attributes

HKCT institutes nurture students with virtues and competence to sustain personal and professional growth for serving Hong Kong and our country. We guide and support students to develop their qualities in conscientiousness, collaboration, perseverance and innovation.

Message from the President and Principal

Conscientious and Innovative HKCT

Prof CHAN Cheuk Hay


Evolved from the past Workers' Night School, HKCT is developing towards a professional university.

Welcome to the website of the Hong Kong College of Technology. From here you will know about a Conscientious and Innovative HKCT.

HKCT and its predecessor, Workers' Night School was formed with an aim to address the joblessness and under-education problems in post-war Hong Kong. For more than 75 years, our curricula evolve continuously to adapt to the changing demands of society: from the literacy education of Workers' Night School in the 1940s and 50s, the school skilled labour training in the 60s, professional education in the 70s and 80s, retraining in the 90s, our programmes extend to post-secondary education past the Millennium and at present, we are conferring academic degrees. In 2014, HKCT Institute of Higher Education was approved by Chief Executive-in-Council to become one of the 22 degree-awarding higher education institutions in Hong Kong.

HKCT is deeply committed to professional career education and provides a variety of programmes including full-time and part-time degree, Higher Diploma, Diploma of Applied Education, Diploma Yi Jin and Diploma with an emphasis on applied skills and shaping positive values and an aim to match the labour demand of industries with students who are willing to join. In over half a decade, HKCT has nurtured more than 650,000 students.

Going forward, we will carry on our advancement with our Conscientious and Innovative spirit, and with focus and enjoyment. On the degree-awarding status, our experience and an employer network of over 10,000 corporations, we will work towards developing into a professional university to further satisfy market demand for talents and lay a solid foundation for our students' careers.

This website presents you with the full aspects of HKCT. We hope that you enjoy browsing and gaining a deeper understanding of HKCT.

Prof CHAN Cheuk Hay
President and Principal
Hong Kong College of Technology and HKCT Institute of Higher Education

Governing Bodies

HKCT Institute of Higher Education (the Institute)
Hong Kong College Technology (the College)
Board of Governors

Dr WONG Yau Kar, David, GBS, BBS, JP


Ms AU Yun Shoon


Professor CHAN Cheuk Hay


Dr CHAN Yuen Han, GBS, SBS, JP


Dr Hon CHOW Man Kong, JP


Professor FAN Yiu Kwan, BBS, JP


The Hon FOK Kai Kong, Kenneth, JP


Professor HO Kin Chung, BBS, JP


Ir Dr KWOK Lam For


The Hon NG Chau Pei, Stanley, SBS, JP


Ms PANG Melissa Kaye, BBS, MH, JP


Ir Dr TSANG Lai Keung, JP


Dr WONG Chun Kau, Jolly

Management Board
Honorary Chairperson

Mr TAM Yiu Chung,GBM, GBS, JP

Honorary Member

Mr Joseph LIM


Dr WONG Yau Kar, David,GBS, BBS, JP


Ms AU Yun Shoon


Professor CHAN Cheuk Hay


Dr CHAN Yuen Han, GBS, SBS, JP


Dr Hon CHOW Man Kong, JP


Professor FAN Yiu Kwan, BBS, JP


Ir Dr KWOK Lam For


Ir Dr TSANG Lai Keung, JP


Ms CHUNG Lick Lai


Ms HUI Stella, C.A., FCPA

Council Office Bearers of the Institute

Our History

History of develeopment about HKCT

1947 - 1997
2001 - 2011
2012 - Now
Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT) was established, as the first non-subvented workers' night school in Hong Kong (the picture shows one of the workers' night schools).
The rapid development of manufacturing industry in Hong Kong was envisioned, Mong Kok Workers' Night School therefore launched the three pillar training classes, namely "Turning Lathe Repair", "Electrical Works" and "Car Repairing", to enable workers to master related technical skills.
From 1970s, young workers were getting to aware of the importance of education level so the demands on part-time training courses increased rapidly. Mong Kok Workers' Night School then started to run Secondary 1 to 3 courses, and planned to run S.4 and S.5 courses within a three-year period. It marked a milestone of the College for its commencement of the Secondary Education.
Coping with the ever-changing technology and society's demand on professional training, Mong Kok Workers' Night School held the first preparatory course for an overseas professional examination - Telecommunication Technician Course. Upon completion, students could take the radio telecommunication technician examination held by the City & Guilds of London College, which was an internationally recognised qualification. It offered an alternative pathway for students who could not perform well in the HKCEE.
The School expanded its scope in offering professional examination preparatory courses, such as Company Secretary, Electrical Engineering, Bookkeeping and Accounting, Computing and English, ranging from matriculation to bachelor's degree level. Those courses are designed with multiple entry points which could facilitate people with different academic background to attain a professional qualification or a university degree. It can be regarded as the earliest "Qualifications Framework" in Hong Kong.
With the changing education needs from foundational and cultural knowledge to professional qualifications in different times, Mong Kok Workers' Night School was officially renamed as Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT) to reflect its nature.
"Information Service Centre of Professional Studies (ISCOPS)" was established. It offered free information and consultation service on professional and public examinations to the public. And facilitated people to seek the most suitable alternative learning progression pathway.
HKCT was commissioned by the Hong Kong Government's Provisional Retraining Fund Board (the former "Employees Retraining Board") as the only non-subsidised institution to run the retraining courses. The first retraining course was Chinese Data Input Training. Besides skills training, HKCT is also a pioneer to provide professional psychology counselling services by social workers to the students.
Taking into the account of the reunification of Hong Kong with China, HKCT cooperated with several Mainland colleges and organisations to run China recognised courses to nurture talents for both Hong Kong and China.
Sai Yeung Choi Street Campus was officially opened, offered full-time diploma programmes for S.5 or S.7 graduates.
A non-subsidised Retraining Resource Centre that had been established by HKCT was recognised and subsidised by ERB as the only resource centre at the time.
Aligning with the Government policy of expanding the number of quota for post-secondary education in year 2000, HKCT determined to develop post-secondary education and launched the first batch of governmental approved higher diploma programmes.
Along with the transformation to a post-secondary institution, HKCT redesigned its logo with new elements: an upward arrow and bright orange colour to represent its energetic and rising image. And the slogan "Driven by Aspiration, Committed to Excellence" was launched.
Commissioned by The Education and Manpower Bureau, HKCT Adult Education Centre was set up and started to operate the adult education courses including Evening Secondary School Courses, English Courses and Adult Foundation Education Courses in 19 districts in Kowloon and Hong Kong Island.
HKCT Metropolis Campus was opened to cater for the increasing number of full-time students. It provided a better learning environment for students at the time.
The first "Youth Singing Contest" (renamed as "Inter-Secondary School Singing Contest afterward) was held. It provided a platform for youth to unleash their singing talents. The contest became an annual significant event among secondary schools with increasing number of participants enrolled each year.
The College marked its 50th anniversary. The celebration slogan "Excel Towards Becoming a Tertiary Institution” showed its strong determination in developing tertiary education to nurture talents in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Government emphasised education development and launched the new 3-3-4 Senior Secondary Education scheme, Causeway Bay Campus was officially opened to cater for the steady rising number of HKCT sub-degree students.
The Government granted HKCT a campus in Ma On Shan which became the first independent campus for Higher Education for the College. It was later given 6.8 million-dollar donation by Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for renovation. The generous support contributed to the provision of a better learning environment and facilities for HKCT students. The campus was launched in 2010 and named as "HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus".
HKCT’s educational visions and missions had been recognised by Wai Yin Association which donated 1.4 million for the college to renovate Mong Kok East's campus. The campus was named after as “Hong Kong College of Technology Wai Yin Association Post-Secondary Education Institution” as an acknowledgement of the generous support which helped the college to make a better learning environment and facilities for students of Yi Jin Diploma and Associate diploma programmes.
“HKCT college of Social Science” was set up for promoting social science research and discussion on social issues. Mr Leung Chun-ying & Henry Tang Ying-yen were invited as the guest speakers of the first talk series that was about Hong Kong housing issues titled "The Outlook of Hong Kong Housing Policy". It was also the first time for the two to discuss housing policy in Hong Kong which became a hot topic at the time.
To match the new Senior Secondary Education scheme and double-class year, HKCT launched a Diploma for Tertiary Studies to provide another option for students who might not perform well in HKDSE. Graduates with this Diploma were eligible to be articulated to Higher Diploma.
Another campus in Ma On Shan was allocated by Education Bureau to provide degree and higher education programmes. The new campus was opened in 2015.
The registration of HKCT Institute of Higher Education (the Institute) was approved under the Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap.320). The Institute is one of the twenty-two tertiary institutions eligible to award degrees in Hong Kong.
The fundraising campaign "CT Hunt cum HKCT Undergraduate Campus Advancement Project kick-off Ceremony" was held. The event aimed to raise donation for supporting long-term campus development which favours students' learning and campus environment.
The college marked its 60th anniversary. The celebration slogan “HKCT VPET for 60 years" highlighted its achievement in vocational and professional education and training (VPET) in Hong Kong which has been serving as an alternative pathway for numerous students and making real contribution to our society. In the future, HKCT aspires to be a University of Professional Education and Development.
HKCT signed a MoU with MTR Academy as the supporting organization for the college’s new Applied Learning (ApL) programme "Railway Studies", to jointly train railway professionals.
The Institute of Higher Education was included as one of the 12 eligible educational institutions in the Seventh Matching Grant Scheme of the HKSAR. The Institute raised funds via various events and activities, including HKCT’s 60th-anniversary gala dinner, CNY lunch gathering with ex-staff members and the Alumni Home Coming Day, which eventually raised a total of HK$16 million and was granted HK$14 million by the government.
Prof Chan Cheuk-hay, HKCT’s President, was appointed a member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in March 2018.
In 2019, HKCT partnered with Pacific Coffee to launch the “Beyond Dreams - First Entrepreneurial Training Programme of Pacific Coffee x HKCT @ the Greater Bay Area” to provide training and funds for youngsters who are interested in developing in the Greater Bay Area (GBA). Nearly 800 young people were recruited, and 30 of them were shortlisted to be given entrepreneurial training.
HKCT Institute of Education and Hong Kong Olympic Academy joined hands to hold the “Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Mainland Olympic Athlete Delegation Visit Hong Kong” Students’ Meeting. 5 Mainland Olympians and 1 coach who joined this event shared their experience with over 200 Hong Kong primary, secondary and tertiary students.
The prototype equipment developed by Hong Kong College of Technology with the assistance of Suzhou Automotive Research Institute of Tsinghua University successfully participated in the 40th Chinese Antarctic Expedition. The expert from National Antarctic Scientific Expedition Team was also invited to exchange with Hong Kong students.
The rapid development of manufacturing industry in Hong Kong was envisioned, Mong Kok Workers' Night School therefore launched the three pillar training classes, namely "Turning Lathe Repair", "Electrical Works" and "Car Repairing", to enable workers to master related technical skills.