To align with Hong Kong's positioning as an International Innovation and Technology Hub, the government has been vigorously promoting Re-industrialization/New Industrialization in recent years and has initiated a series of innovation and technology infrastructure projects. The promulgation of Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint at the end of 2022 has set specific directions and goals for the development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong. To meet this trend, HKCT has launched the first Higher Diploma in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) programme in Hong Kong. The programme focuses on cultivating students' practical skills in the field of IoT, enabling them to master innovative knowledge in IoT, cloud computing, data analytics, 5G, and more, and nurtures the students to become the talents for the development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong.
- Sports
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Security and Disciplinary Forces
- Early Childhood Education
- Tourism, Aviation and Hospitality
- Art, Design & Media
- Culinary and Food & Beverage Services
- Communications, Public Relations and Languages
- Beauty
- Business, Accounting & Finance
- Architecture & Construction
- Electrical, Mechanical & Civil Engineering
- Property and Facilities Management
- Medical and Health Care
- Domestic & Environmental Services
- Watch & Jewellery
- Personal Attributes
- Others