Giving to HKCT

Uses of donation

  • Hire tutors who come from various industries with practical experience
  • Conduct exchanges with neighbouring areas
  • Enhance the education standard as a whole
  • Encourage teaching and administrative staff to enhance their professional level through continuing learning
  • Set up more classrooms that simulate the actual business or industry environment
  • Keep pace with the times by improving the teaching facilities
  • Strengthen the students' sense of belonging to the College by improving the public space
  • Provide diversified sub-degree and undergraduate programmes
  • Explore sustainable development programmes, such as postgraduate programmes
  • Expand teaching space
  • Increase the collections of the libraries

In addition, the funds will be properly used on capital projects, teaching and research, scholarships, prizes and bursaries, student development (such as exchange activities) and other projects that effectively fulfill students’ needs and promote the development of the Institute.

All donations to HKCT (HK$100 or above) are tax-deductible. The HKCT welcomes the naming of facilities, scholarships and bursaries, research projects and academic programmes by donations.

Should you have any enquiries, please call (852) 2265 2121 or email to